Penampakan Sinar-X Pertama (1895): Röntgen's wife hand

Gedung Pencakar Langit Pertama (1885): Gedung Asuransi Jiwa Di Chicago

Web SErver Dan Web Site Pertama (1990): a NeXT computer at CERN

Photografi Pertama (1826): "View from the Window at Le Gras"

Karya Novel Pertama (1007): Tale of Genji

MP3 Player Pertama (1998): MPMan 32MB

Computer Mouse Pertama (1964): by Douglas Engelbart

Motor Pertama Di Dunia (1885): Daimler's "riding car"

Bangunan Motel Pertama Di Dunia (1925): Motel Inn

Majalah Pertama Di Dunia (1731): The Gentleman's Magazine

Konsep Mobil Pertama Di Dunia (1938): Buick Y-Job

Cover Album Pertama Di Dunia (1938): Smash Song Hits by Rodgers and Hart

Microprosesor Pertama Di Dunia (1971): Intel 4004

Kamera Digital Pertama Di Dunia (1975): Created by Kodak's engineer Steve Sasson